Technology Integration

Technology Integration

The primary role of the technology department is the support of teachers and other staff members with the integration of technology in the classroom.  
This integration revolves around the goals and guidelines outlined in the
21st Century Skills Framework.  This framework focuses on the 4Cs (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity), in addition to Life and Career Skills, Information Media and Technology Skills, all wrapped around the core subjects.

In conjunction with this framework, we are also using another outline for staff called TPACK.  TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) illustrated below, combines Technical Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and Content Knowledge for the ideal use of technology in the classroom.

We believe technology should no longer be an event that happens from time to time with the walls of our schools.  It should be interwoven when appropriate into the daily classroom lessons.  When done properly several goals are achieved. Students and staff become more productive, students develop into good digital citizens, better prepares our students to be competitive in the global market place, and student achievement increases.

Contact Us

Glenn Welker
Technology Coordinator

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